Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jan 23, 2011 - Day 23 - Backyard Jibbin

Jan 23, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

I am a huge fan of action sequences. It's actually surprising it took this far into the blog to use one! Had a blast with Alan, Jordan, and Cam shredding in Alan's backyard. Thanks to Jordan for running the cam to shoot me here. I set the cam at 1/500 shutter, F2.2, ISO 1600. Used post process for white balance and layer mask to sequence.


  1. Ack!!! Tell me those aren't bookshelves you're shredding all over!!! (insert hand wringing and anxious facial expressions here!)

  2. ummm.... ummmmm.... your concern can neither be confirmed nor denied at this moment. I do not know the origin of said shelves.
