Sunday, January 2, 2011

Jan 2, 2011 - Day 2 - Christmas Tree Glow

Jan 2, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.
I wanted to capture the glow of the Christmas tree. The tree is still up with a few presents under it because we have one more family Christmas coming up this weekend. It won't be long and it will be down, so I thought I'd snag a shot before it ended up packed away until next December.


  1. That is gorgeous!! Can't wait to see it for real! Now, are you planning on posting daily or just on the 2nd of each month?? :)

  2. Thanks Evonne! The plan is a 365 day picture blog. Last year went by so fast I figured it's time to slow down 2011 by shooting daily.

  3. Cool reflection in the window,
    See you Friday
