It's the 31st of January, -31*C, and James and Karina treated us with Dilly Bars from DQ. Thanks guys. I think I'm just going to go the rest of the winter wearing sweaters instead of jackets and eating ice cream treats like its summer. Thanks Sarah for snapping the pic.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Jan 30, 2011 - Day 30 - Pick me! Pick me!
When searching for ideas I thought I'd shoot something with lots of colour to it. The tie rack seemed like a great place to start. The ironic thing is this morning I wore a plain white tie to church :)
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Jan 29, 2011 - Day 29 - Baby Food
Well we're almost down to the three month mark until our first child arrives. Sarah hasn't had many cravings thus far but today was pretty focused on the fruit and veggie department while shopping. I'm glad that she enjoyed them. Apparently baby did too :)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Jan 28, 2011 - Day 28 - Fresh Bread Anyone??
I get to babysit this wonderful piece of work while I do the dishes... the countdown is on!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Jan 27, 2011 - Day 27 - The Dark Side
The reactions I get when people find out I'm a pastor who doesn't drink coffee can be priceless. Tonight I had another pastor over for coffee so I put a pot on for him. I thought that I should take a picture of the grosser side of coffee. To me this looks like a really nasty mush concoction. Doesn't it make you want to grab a spoonful??? Turns out the coffee that came through this was decent.... but to me the end just doesn't justify the means. :)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Jan 26, 2011 - Day 26 - Mr. Kiwi
Here's Mr. Kiwi. I had fun taking his picture today. Enjoyed a Gatorade and Mr Kiwi after work while I answered a couple emails.
Shutter: 1/200
ISO 100
Flash On
Zoom @ 34mm
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Jan 25, 2011 - Day 25 - Warmies
Warmies, or the warmups before a game usually don't steal the show. Usually that happens during the 60 minutes a hockey game consists of. Here we have captain Tanner Dusyk shooting on his own goalie Brody Hoffman in the warmups.
The big deal today is that somewhere in between the warmups and the beginning of the game there was a pipe that burst and ammonia began to leak. The game had to be called off and will be rescheduled.
Shutter: 1/800
ISO: 800
Monday, January 24, 2011
Jan 24, 2011 - Day 24 - Finally
Today I finally got around to finishing an edit I should have done 4 months ago. It was of a friend Landon Beuker riding in the provincial championship in Saskatoon this last summer.
After having my camera outside it still had condensation and was unusable tonight. So the blog pic for the day is a screen capture from my edit.
Here's a link to the pic:
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Jan 23, 2011 - Day 23 - Backyard Jibbin
I am a huge fan of action sequences. It's actually surprising it took this far into the blog to use one! Had a blast with Alan, Jordan, and Cam shredding in Alan's backyard. Thanks to Jordan for running the cam to shoot me here. I set the cam at 1/500 shutter, F2.2, ISO 1600. Used post process for white balance and layer mask to sequence.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Jan 22, 2011 - Day 22 - Roughrider Persuasion
Friday, January 21, 2011
Jan 21, 2011 - Day 21 - Channel 9
This pic was taken in VERY low light with a lamp shooting at a low angle to cast shadows. I was going to put the noise through a filter, but then thought .... this is a soundboard. It's created for noise :)
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Jan 20, 2011 - Day 20 - Potato Hell
These taters were literally screaming as they were being roasted in the pan. Slower shutter speed meant that the camera caught more of the glow in the oven. 1/3 shutter, f3.2, ISO 800. This must be way worse than being mashed, or done into hashbrowns because they were squealing!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Jan 19, 2011 - Day 19 - BACON!!!!!!!!!!!
Decided to take a shot of my favorite food..... BACON! Ate a couple slices of it while I sipped on an Arizona green tea and then chopped up the rest for the dish my wife is making. It's called bacon chedder penne. mmmmmm mmmmmmm.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Jan 18, 2011 - Day 18 - The Pan Shot
I really wanted to try a pan shot. The theory is simple. Photograph a moving object with a slow shutter speed while following said object in the viewfinder. The product is a background that looks like it's moving and the object itself stays stationary. The other cool part is any moving part on the object is also captured, which in this case is the wheels.
The technical side is more difficult. I was losing light, and trying to figure out which settings to use! After about 90 shots (around 6 were decent) I got this Grand Cherokee (as you may know I'm a fan of Grand Cherokees) with a Canadian flag and a missing center cap. :p
Due to the higher ISO required with the light going down it's noisier than I like, but I'm just glad I got the shot off. Vehicle was travelling roughly 100 km/h, shutter was 1/50, f13, ISO 800. It was a challenging project but I'm pleased with this first attempt.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Jan 17, 2011 - Day 17 - Love that Smile
That smile is one of my favorite things! Of course it's while looking at baby stuff :)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Jan 16, 2011 - Day 16 - Glow
I felt like shooting with a slow shutter speed tonight so I thought I'd catch the blue glow from the fireplace. The room was completely dark, 2 sec shutter with f1.8 and ISO 400. You can't beat the fireplace on a cold January day.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Jan 15, 2011 - Day 15 - Experience the World
I'm just squeaking this blog post in before it turns to the 16th. Sarah and I had a fantastic time at James and Karina Witherow's place tonight. We played a game of Globetrotters (, enjoyed some "World of Flavours Sweet Chili Thai Flavour Rippled Potato Chips," and had India Chai tea in the African safari tea set. We experienced the world without leaving the table. Thanks for the enjoyable evening you guys :)
Friday, January 14, 2011
Jan 14, 2011 - Day 14 - Four is a Party
Gary and Beth Mason and family are staying at our place for a couple days. Between the hot tub and the wii the boys partied hard last night. Here they were playing Marioparty :)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Jan 13, 2011 - Day 13 - Gold Rays
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Jan 12, 2011 - Day 12 - Playhouse 2.0
I seen another sweet house for kids to play in today and thought I'd snap a quick shot of it. I love the colour in there. A great place for kids to hang out..... in the summer :)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Jan 11, 2011 - Day 11 - Ninja Cat
Monday, January 10, 2011
Jan 10, 2011 - Day 10 - Sweetest Playhouse Ever
Sweetest playhouse ever.... just a couple miles east of Smeaton, SK just a couple hundred yards off the highway.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Jan 9, 2011 - Day 9 - Fridge Family and Friends
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Jan 8, 2011 - Day 8 - .005 Seconds Away
Friday, January 7, 2011
Jan 7, 2011 - Day 7 - All Smiles
Turns out it's Waine's birthday this weekend too. He just opened his present to find a box set of Nero Wolfe (investigative show from "back in the day"). He's also got a warm cup of coffee by him in the recliner. Add all that together and you end up with "All Smiles."
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Jan 6, 2011 - Day 6 - Wild Fire
Habanero hot sauce with supper tonight??? Yes please! Thanks for the gift Buyakis :)
Found here:
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Jan 5, 2011 - Day 5 - Gooseball
I am a big fan of Duck Hunt for the original NES. I would still play it if I had one of the consoles. I'm not a real toy fan but my wife found this and picked it up for me for Christmas and it has been fun. It's called Goose Hunter and it's made by Interactive Toys. It even sort of plays like the game Duck Hunt. You throw the goose into the air and it flies on its own until it has been shot by the toy gun three times. Here's a link to the page and you can scroll through all their hunting series: . They have everything from remote controlled ducks to aliens and vampires :)
Today at lunch break the students were playing with it at school and it ended up flying into the fooseball table and slid all the way into the opening for the ball and kept on flapping it's wings feverishly. Had to snap some pics, it was one of those moments where you couldn't help but smile. We knew that we definitely couldn't make that happen again if we tried.
Lens: Canon 50mm 1.8
Shutter: 1/200
ISO 200
Flash On
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Jan 4, 2011 - Day 4 - Like a Hawk
Backup goalie for the Hawks took some shots during warm up. Was able to catch him watching the puck..... like a hawk.
Taken with a 100-300 Sigma lens.
Focal length -168mm
Shutter - 1/500
ISO - 3200
Monday, January 3, 2011
Jan 3, 2011 - Day 3 - Splash of goodness
I love Arizona green tea. My wife bought me a flat of 24 of them for Christmas. I seen some splash photography on the net and thought I'd give it a try. It took quite a while to get it set up right but I love how it turned out.
Shutter 1/250
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Jan 2, 2011 - Day 2 - Christmas Tree Glow
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Jan 1, 2011 - Day 1 - Who's open?
Happy new year! This is post number one of my 2011 photoblog. Shot at the local jr hockey game on new years day. I loved how this shot turned out trying to get a pass off.