Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mar 31, 2011 - Day 90 - Rebecca Black.... ouch

Mar 31, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

After deliberately avoiding all the hype about Rebecca Black for weeks now I had to check it out today. This is a screenshot of her video on youtube. Notice the zoomed in views/likes/dislikes. 70 million views, 165000 likes..... 1.35 million dislikes. I've never seen that kind of ratio before. I'm pretty sure people don't have an issue with her as a person ... but her music might be the most unfortunate thing to ever find my ears.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mar 30, 2011 - Day 89 - A

Mar 30, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

Here's an A chord. I snapped it at the end of music practice before church to night. Rocked out on the Les Paul :D

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mar 29, 2011 - Day 88 - Jenna and Dad

Mar 29, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.
The Randall's came through Nipawin on their way to minister in Cumberland House this week. We had the opportunity to have their crew over for lunch today. Jenna is such a cutie and had as much fun as any of us.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mar 28, 2011 - Day 87 - James, Karina, and Walter

Mar 28, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

We spied James and Karina on a walk with their newborn after work today. I just so happened to have my camera with me and was excited to be able to take a shot of their first stroll together. You guys rock. Bam!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mar 27C, 2011 - Day 86 - Dziki

Mar 26D, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

Found this shot uploaded to my flickr account of Dziki rocking out the snow blades at the red. :D

Mar 27B, 2011 - Day 86 - First BBQ of 2011!

Mar 27B, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

At Doug and Ambers place with hamburgers, dear sausage and baked potatoes on the grill. mmm mmm goooooooood

Mar 27, 2011 - Day 86 - Vacuum!

Mar 27, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

Here's Caleb and his trusty vacuum. He takes it everywhere. Such a good helper around the house.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mar 26C, 2011 - Day 85

Mar 26C, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

Another fun shot from today.

Mar 26B, 2011 - Day 85 - Merv Back 5!!

Mar 26B, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

Merv bringing home a back 5 at Little Red today. Sweet trick.

Mar 26, 2011 - Day 85 - Bonkin!

Mar 26, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

Here's Adam hittin the skier chick at Little Red's 20th anniversary today. Great day to ride and celebrate the last 20 years that the Kinsmen Ski Center has been open in the Prince Albert area.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Mar 25, 2011 - Day 84 - Looking For Disaster

Mar 26, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.
Went to Little Red tonight to shred with Mike and Aaron. I was getting stoked on this rail so I upped my speed. As I came up to the rail I got all strung out with my hands above my head and way over the rail. Ended up out of shape in the middle but was able to stick it out to the end without disaster. It's close calls like this that make you rethink things. At least I had a trusty ski racing helmet courtesy of the Kinsmen Ski Center. :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mar 23, 2011 - Day 82 - SPLASH!

Mar 23, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

I was really hoping to have a vehicle come ripping around the corner and hit the puddle but........ not today. Had to settle for this splash instead of a huge one. It was a beautiful day and althought the temperature was around -3*C (roughly 27*F) the sun made it warm enough that there was water all over the place.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Mar 21, 2011 - Day 80 - Scottttttttttttttttttttttttt Nicholson

Mar 21, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

I took this yesterday at the comp but didn't get around to the post processing until today. The thing I find interesting about the shot are the shadows. Because of the large trees in the way of the sun Scot goes in and out of the shadows. Definitely makes the shot interesting. Lots of awesome riding went down yesterday. :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mar 20, 2011 - Day 79 - Back 5

Mar 20, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

Here's a sequence of a sweet back 5 from the comp at Little Red today. Propaganda, along with the Kinsmen Ski Center threw a fantastic comp where around 30 riders threw down.

Now that I have got my blog back under control after the pirate attack I think we'll be seing some more killer shots like these :)

AAARRRGH! This Blog has been boarded by the Dread Pirate Stefan!

Here be a picture of a baby watching the greatest game on earth, not dice, but Hockey!

Me thinks Montreal pillaged Minnesota this game. AAARRRRGH!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mar 19, 2011 - Day 78 - Full Moon

Mar 19, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

We're about -10*C right now in Nipawin and have had clear skies the last two nights. We have had a great opportunity to view the full moon. Here is an 8 second exposure of our moon through the neighbour's trees. F5.6, zoom @ 200m

Friday, March 18, 2011

Mar 18, 2011 - Day 77 - Green Andy

Mar 18, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

Here's Andy on St. Patty's day. I took the shot yesterday but did the edit and upload today. Andy had a green hat, shirt, sweater, slippers and mountain dew.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mar 17, 2011 - Day 76 - More Bacon!!

Mar 17, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

The only thing better than bacon is......... more bacon!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mar 16, 2011 - Day 75 - G'nite world

Mar 16, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

A snap of what sits by my bed... a pic of me and Matty from his wedding day to Lindsey, the book Baby Wise which my wife is getting after me to read, and the Dale Jr lego car which towed Sarah and I's wedding rings into the sanctuary on our wedding day.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mar 15, 2011 - Day 74 -

Mar 15, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

I've spent a bunch of time on and off tonight on the forums trying to find out what's wrong with my boat motor. Looks like it's the stator that needs to be replaced as there's no spark on cylinders 1,3,and 5. I definitely didn't take much time on this one... I'm as disappointed with my performance today as you are :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mar 14, 2011 - Day 73 - Tower of Power

Mar 14, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

This is the intake end of the Mercury 115 6 Cylinder "Tower of Power" that's on the boat. Haven't started it yet this spring, but the compression is good and there's no rust in the cylinders after the it got sunk last year. Hoping for the best!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mar 13, 2011 - Day 72 - Upstairs Glow

Mar 13, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

This shot was taken with the house being quite dark and a 1 second shutter time. It's getting late and the glow coming from the room which has my bed sounds pretty comfy right now.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mar 12, 2011 - Day 71 - Neighbour's Place

Mar 12, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

Took a long exposure in the dark of the neighbour's place. The colours in the tree are what stood out to me and made the shot.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Mar 11, 2011 - Day 70 - Mess

Mar 11, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.
Today is Friday and my brain feels like this right now.... strings of thought running amok. Good thing Saturdays are great days to organize them all! I love all the weekdays too, but hello Weekend!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mar 10, 2011 - Day 69 - What to Expect When You're Expecting

Mar 10, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

Here's Sarah reading to me about what my job is during labour! :) I hear a lot of - do this to be a comfort .... but stop if it becomes annoying to her. Do this..... but stop if it becomes annoying.... Do this.......etc. I'll try not to be annoying babe :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mar 9, 2011 - Day 68 - Organizing Chaos

Mar 9, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

Sarah and I came home to a desk full of papers and placed out bags on the table side by side. Just the last few days I took a stack of papers (fairly organized) and sorted them all over the table and chairs (chaos) and am working on getting them all organized again. This here is a shot done purposefully from another room. (the kitchen). There are some times where you just want to avoid the room if possible :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mar 8, 2011 - Day 67 - Assignment

Mar 8, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

Tonight I had an assignment for myself. To shoot something in very low light with no flash using long exposure, and use post processing to bring the white balance back. So I used post to bring the white back as well as up the contrast to bring out some of the texture in the green. Fun assignment.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mar 7, 2011 - Day 66 - Apple and lemon juice night snack

Mar 7, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

The title says it all. I wasn't really happy with how the shot turned out, but I was super happy with how good that apple was!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mar 6, 2011 - Day 65 - Airing out the jets

Mar 6, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

Back to playing some rec hockey tomorrow.... super pumped to get back on the ice again.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mar 5, 2011 - Day 64 - Thought you said it was an electrical fire??

Mar 5, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

We came out of Future Shop today and this poor Saturn Vue was showing us a little bit of a previous incident. I can say that this was definitely an electrical fire. Could have even had something to do with driving away with the cord still plugged in :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mar 4B, 2011 - Day 63 - Lipstick rail

Mar 4B, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

For some reason this rail has always been intimidating to me. I was pumped to rock it all night. Threw the Lomo effect on this one because I hadn't used it in a while.

Mar 4A, 2011 - Day 63 - Method

Mar 4A, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

Cam rocking out a method shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhredddddddddddding the Red

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mar 3, 2011 - Day 62 - Shiloh

Mar 3, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

Got my camera card back and so I can shoot with my T1i again. Here's a great shot of Shiloh chilling and looking cute on the couch. Right around the time she spewed all over the laptop case. :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mar 2, 2011 - Day 61 - Oldest car in Canada

Mar 2, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

Mr. Tim Petkau unveiled for me the oldest car in Canada. A very late 19th century quadricycle. He mentioned he needed to get some parts for it to make it run. So I asked where in the world he was going to get them. Well it turns out there was only 6 of these ever made and the owner of another gave him a set of the blueprints. As far as he knows there's only two sets out there. At the school where he works at as shop teacher they can build the parts to spec. Definitely a neat little piece of history here.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mar 1, 2011 - Day 60 - Cool Dude

Mar 1, originally uploaded by wdkinleyphoto.

Mr. Caleb G rockin out my shades mid afternoon in the Gudnason household. Cool dude.